Online Assessment Center
Pre Employment Screening Tests Offered by Employee Selection & Development
By now, you have read our Four Keys to Hiring Right the First Time. Employee Selection and Development, Inc. has sought out the very best tools to help you assess these essential areas. Below are the pre-employment screening assessments we offer with an
explanation of their use.
Personality Work Ethic & Integrity Assessment
ENet Hire- This unique pre-employment assessment combines the best measurements of a personality profile with the best measurements of a work ethic and integrity assessment. It is designed to help managers hire peak performing hourly, entry level, and general office personnel. It’s unique red light, green light report format allows interviewers to quickly identify those areas that may help and hinder job performance. The report includes interview questions based on the individual’s scores and responses as well as Caution Statements to identify those areas where applicants are being overly optimistic about themselves. All reports include Coaching Ideas to help managers increase initial new hire productivity and provide long term management guides.
Click Here for ENet Hire Brochure and Sample Report
Personality Profile & Sales Person Assessments
Proception2 – is an online business personality profile system designed to provide insight into an individual’s behavioral style in a work environment. It is used for Management Development, Selection and Interviewing, Team Building, Sales Training, Mentoring, Conflict Resolution, Coaching, and Career Development. This system helps managers better understand potential candidates and members of their team. It also assists employees in identifying their personal strengths and business related areas in need of development. The Proception2 online questionnaire takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and a 12-15 page personalized report is generated within 2 minutes. The assessment is available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Serbian and Mandarin.
Click Here for Proception2 Brochure and Sample Report
Management Assessments
Harver Outmatch - This internationally recognized assessment program is the most highly validated pre-employment and post employment management selection and development tool available today. It measures how managers and management candidates think, work, relate and influence others. Over 500,000 successful managers have been tested with this proven tool and hiring managers have the opportunity to compare their management candidates’ scores to successful managers in hundreds of different management templates. Most recently, industrial psychologists have been able to correlate this assessment’s scales to management competencies. Now employers have the capability to pre-screen management candidates based on management competencies and help existing managers develop to their full potential. Both Selection and Development Reports are available for all test takers. The assessment is Internet based and is available in multiple foreign languages. Results are posted to your testing website within 2 minutes. Click back to our Home Page tio see sample reports.
Personality Strengths & Weaknesses Assessment 
Personality Profile – gives you a complete picture of the applicants or employees strengths and weaknesses. The Personality Profile assesses the applicants personality type and 20 job related traits. The 10 to 15 page reportexplains the individuals strengths and weaknesses; and provides in depth interview questions to allow you to explore potential problem areas. The Confidence Rating (1-5 stars) indicates how much confidence you should have in the results and whether or not the applicant is trying to sway the assessment. The Baseline feature allows you to measure the
applicants strengths and weaknesses against your best employees in the position or department. Or if you do not have enough employees to develop a baseline, you can utilize our industrial database of 88 different baselines.
Test forms available in English, Spanish, and French.
Integrity and Work Attitudes Survey
Integrity and Work Attitudes Survey The Survey measures an applicants work ethic and attitudes toward supervision, theft, drugs, customer service, communication, competitiveness and sales. This survey also includes a Validity Index to alert you to those applicants attempting to sway the results. In depth interview questions are provided in each report to help managers zero in on unacceptable attitudes and behaviors. Test forms available in English and Spanish.
Scoring Center Services by Internet or Fax – Our in-house scoring center will score a questionnaire received via fax or through and return the report within 4 business hours of receipt. Cost depends on the number and type of assessments ordered. You can combine any of our assessments to build a package that fits your needs. Telephone job fit consultation is included. High volume discounts are available. Extra fees may apply outside the continental U.S.
Call 800-947-5678 for pricing.
Customer Service
Trained analysts are always available for clients to support and help you receive the maximum benefit from your assessment results. We are particularly interested in helping you implement the program, establish your baselines and provide interpretation and developmental insights. Our firm is committed to helping you maximize your productivity and profits through better employee selection, retention, and development.
Our business hours are 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, Eastern Time.
The Employee Selection and Development Employment Testing System is designed for large and small companies. It helps ensure you have the right people in the right job giving 100%. With the hiring mistakes costing an average of $20,000 – $30,000, hiring right the first time is a competitive necessity.
Learn whom you are hiring and what they can do for your company, BEFORE you make the investment. If you would like
further information, call us at 800-947-5678 or 941-739-0400.